Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A auction fundraiser and a donation

The lovely owner of "Mini Me Woolies", a part of "The Waldorf Dollhouse" congo on hyenacart has donated a doll shawl to be auctioned off starting friday. You can find the auction here. The yarn used to create the shawl is even the awareness colors for Down syndrome!! All the proceeds from the auction are going to be donated as well as the proceeds from the pattern to create the doll shawl available by pdf download through Ravelry which is only 1.99 and very cute!!

I also want to share a small (but big) update: Today I received a 350.00 check in the mail from a lovely new friend who wishes to remain anonymous. We still want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts and hope you see this.

So with that donation our goal sits like this

3000.00 goal moneys

money raised:
350.00 anonymous check
400.00 from selling dirtbike

2250.00 left to raise

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